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How Public Comment Works

7pm Public Comment Instructions:

  1. Pre-Meeting (Optional): There is a pre-meeting at 6:00 pm. Attendance is recommended but not required. There will be a short break before the 7 pm meeting starts.
  2. Sign In: You must sign in before the 7 pm meeting begins.
  3. Entering the Council Chambers: Upon entering the Council chambers, go directly to the podium.
  4. Fill Out the Form: At the podium, you will see a form. Fill out as much information as you can and don’t forget to read the rules.
  5. Speaking: When the 7 pm meeting starts, wait for your name to be called. Once called, go up to the podium. You will have 3 minutes to speak.
  6. Keep it Concise: Keep your comments concise and focused on the issues. Try to manage any anger or frustration you might feel.
  7. After Speaking: After your turn, you can either stay for the rest of the meeting or leave.

We hope this helps you feel prepared and confident for your public comment!