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Empowering Your Voice: Understanding Ordinances and Resolutions

Understanding the Difference Between an Ordinance and a Resolution

As a community member, it’s important to know how local government decisions affect you and your neighborhood. Two key tools used by your city council are ordinances and resolutions. Here’s what you need to know:

Ordinance: The Local Law

  • What It Is: An ordinance is like a law for your city or town. It’s a rule that everyone must follow.
  • Why It Matters: Ordinances cover things like where businesses can be located, safety rules, or regulations on property use. They have a lasting impact and shape how your community operates.
  • How It’s Made: Passing an ordinance usually takes time. The city council discusses it over several meetings, allowing for public input before it becomes official.

Resolution: A Formal Decision

  • What It Is: A resolution is a formal decision or statement made by the city council. It doesn’t create a law but shows the council’s stance or directs specific actions.
  • Why It Matters: Resolutions can recognize community events, direct how city money is spent, or express the council’s position on important issues.
  • How It’s Made: Resolutions are quicker to pass than ordinances. They usually require just one meeting and a vote to be approved.

Why This Matters to You

Understanding these tools helps you stay informed and involved in local government. Whether it’s about creating new laws or making important decisions, knowing the difference empowers you to participate in shaping the future of your community.